How Free Is the Press Question Answer । Bihar Board Class 12th English Book Solution Chapter 8

Here we have provided How Free Is the Press Question Answer. How Free Is the Press Question Answer will help you understand the chapter better and will be helpful in your exam preparation.

Bihar Board Class 12th English Book Solution Chapter 8 How Free Is the Press

B.1.1. Read the following sentences and write T for true statements or F for False statements:

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B.1.2. Answers the questions briefly:

Q.1- What do ‘free’ people take for granted?

Ans- Without a free press there can be no free people. This is something that free people take for granted.

Q.2- Are there restrictions on Press in time of war?

Ans- Press restrictions do exist during armed warfare. In actuality, all rights are restricted during a war.

Q.3- What do you mean by the term ‘free press’?

Ans- A free press implies that the government does not control or restrict the media through censorship.

Q.4- Who is the master- the state or the people?

Ans- The people are the master and the state is the servant of the people.

Q.5- What does the unofficial censorship seek to do?

Ans- The unofficial censorship rather than expressing opinions seeks to manufacture them for public.

Q.6- Name two sources of revenue newspapers usually survive on.

Ans- Advertisers and Wealth of the man or company that owns the newspaper are the two sources of revenue that newspapers survive on.

B.2.1: Complete the following sentences on the basis of the unit you have just studied:

  1. Accurate reporting has given place to reporting which is at best slipshod and at worst tendentious because it is assumed that …………
  2. Sensational headlines, false emphasis and supposition of context are some of the ways to ………………..
  3. ………………….. is the speacial accomplishment of the Press interviewer.
  4. The date in the newspaper report had to be changed to ……………….


  1. The general public is unable to distinguish between truth and deceit; in addition, they do not care whether a proposition is false as long as it is interesting. Both suggest that the general population may be convinced to believe anything.
  2. There is a distortion of fact and opinion.
  3. Garbling
  4. Mask being the case that the data was already stale. 

Check:- How Free is The Press Objective Questions Answer

B.2.3: Answer the questions briefly:

Q.1- What are two basic assumptions about the public?

Ans- The two underlying presumptions about the general population are as follows:

  • a) They lack the mental capacity to distinguish between truth and falsehood
  • b) They don’t care whether anything is false as long as it’s amusing.

Q.2- What is suppression of context?

Ans- Suppression of context refers to the act of manipulating the facts in order to shape public opinion from the true context or meaning of the fact.

Q.3- Name two things that make the reports unreliable reading.

Ans- Bland perversions along with the interviewer’s playful habit of making statements himself and attributing them to his victims make reported interviews singularly unreliable reading.

B.3.1: Read the following sentences and write T for True and F for False:

  1. The author was very fond of gardening and keeping cats.
  2. The author had delivered 20,000 words in the space of an hour and a quarter.
  3. To misrepresent a man’s attitude and opinion is no offence.
  4. To get misleading statements corrected is very easy.
  5. Any public person is subtly made to feel that if he offends the Press he will suffer for it.
  6. The Press can make or break reputation.


  1. False
  2. False
  3. True
  4. False
  5. True
  6. True

B.3.2: Answer the following questions briefly:

Q.1- Why do books rarely criticize the Press?

Ans- Books rarely criticize the Press because Anything or anyone that ventures to do so has to face blackmails from the press.

Q.2- How do the newspapers greet the slightest effort to hinder the irresponsible dissemination of nonsense?

Ans- The smallest effort to stop the careless spread of garbage is met with a collective cry of, “This is a danger to press freedom.”

Q.3- Name the seven charges the author makes against the press.

Ans- The author’s seven complaints against the press are as follows:

  • Garbling
  • Incorrect emphasis
  • Inaccuracy
  • Fact Reversal
  • Chance Innovation
  • Miracle Prediction
  • Flat Suppression

Bihar Board Class 12 English Objective Question
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C.1. Long Answer Questions:

Q.1- The editorial policy of a popular daily is controlled by two chief factors. Which are they? Explain.

Ans- The two chief factors that control editorial policies are:

  • a) First is the interest of the advertisers from whom the daily gets the money which enables it to keep its large circulation No widely circulated paper can dare to express any opinion which conflicts with the interest of their advertisers. If not so, the big newspaper would be bankrupted if it depends only on the revenue generated on its circulation.
  • b) Second chief source is the wealth of the man or the company that owns the it. Its policies are largely determined the personal spites and political ambitions of its proprieter.

Q.2- What is garbling? How does Sayers illustrate this form of distortion?

Ans- Garbling is the way of expressing any message in a confused and distorted way. Sayers illustrate it with her own example when she was asked by an interviewer what are her future plans to which she replied that she does not actually has any future plan but she preferred writing plays to novels, though novels paid better. If she is presented with an opportunity of writing a play she would undoubtedly accept it. This interview of Sayers was appeared in the Press as, ‘Miss Sayers said she would write no more plays, except on commission’.

Q.3- Describe in your own words the instances of deliberate miracle-mongering.

Ans- Deliberate miracle-mongering is a technique in which some impossible title is given to catch the reader’s eye. One example that happened with Miss Sayers was that a local newspaper published that she had deliver some 20,000 words in an hour and quarter. the reporter had full text of the speech in his hands which if he would have seen clearly, he would have found that it was just 8000 words. The error was precisely 150 percent. And this type of heading can catch the attention of the readers.

Q.4- How are letters of protest treated by the newspapers? Describe in your own words.

Ans- Letters of protest are generally ignored, printed in full of part, accompanied by an editorial comment to the effect that the words reported were actually said and that the speaker must not expect to monopolise the whole of the paper’s valuable space. Or these letters are messaged privately to avoid any bad impression on public. On very occasional basis, usually from a provincial paper, does one receive a full apology.

Q.5- Have you ever written a letter of protest to any newspaper? What was the fate of this letter?

Ans- Yes, I once wrote a letter of protest to one daily newspaper. I had to write around 6 such letters because five of them were completely ignored by the newspaper but luckily my sixth letter was replied by the editor-in-chief privately. The language written was quite polite by the editor but I observed no change in the newspaper about the thing I complained.

Q.6- ‘He that is unfaithful in little is unfaithful also in much.’ How does Dorothy L. Sayers cite trivial personal examples to prove that newspapers misrepresent in various ways? Do you agree with her?

Ans- Dorothy L. Sayers give examples that if a common court case cannot be correctly reported, how are we able to believe the reports of the world events. If an interviewer misinterprets the novelist whom we have all see, what does he do with the foreign statement whom we have never seen. If the papers can be convicted of False emphasis, Garbling, Inaccuracy, Reversal of the fact, Random invention, Miracle-mongering, and flat suppression in cases where such distortions are of advantage to nobody, what are we suppose about those cases in which vested interests are closely connected. I agree with Miss Sayers that Press misuse their powers many a times and always try to shape public opinions instead of just stating the facts and figures to public.

Q.7- What is author’s attitude to the freedom of Press? Do you agree with her?

Ans- The author’s attitude towards the freedom of the Press is quite critical for she believes that Press is too powerful as it carries the power of changing opinions and mindsets of the masses. Every person related to politics is afraid of Press too as it has the power to make or break the frame. The author believes that Press that majority of the times the Press misuse their power and does not hold themselves responsible for manipulating population. Yes, I definitely agree with the author regarding the misuse of the power of the freedom of the Press.

Q.8- ‘Indeed, we may say that the heaviest restriction upon the freedom of public opinion is not official censorship of the Press, but the unofficial censorship by a Press which exists not so much to express opinion as to manufacture it.’ How does the writer view the relationship between the Press and the public opinion? Explain.

Ans- The relationship between the Press and public is crucial but also like a cold enemy according to author. Just like a cold enemy would try to be our friend but slowly manipulate everything around us, the same way Press does to people’s opinions and mindsets. The Press misuse their power and mislead the masses according to their policies and campaigns. Through various personal examples in the story Miss Sayers described different ways of the Press to mislead the public.

C.3. Composition

1. Write a letter to editor of an English daily highlighting the poor sanitation in your locality.

Sector 32
Anand Vihar
New Delhi

16th April, 2023

The Editor
Hindustan Times
New Delhi

Subject: Information about poor sanitation in my locality

Dear Sir

This is to inform you that the locality I belong has really poor sanitation. All the grey water (water from kitchens) and black water (water from toilets) gets collected in the sewage. All mosquitoes and houseflies hover over that open dirty sewage and enter the homes. No one has initiated any steps for it, not even Nagar Palika. Therefore, I request you to highlight this matter in the newspaper so that it comes in the notice of higher authorities and strict action is taken againt them.

Thanking you

Yours Truly
Abhishek Verma

2. Write the summary of the lesson in about 150 words.

The author, Miss Sayers defines the importance of the freedom of the Press and the relationship between people and the Press with each other. Through various examples in the story the author has also described ho in many ways Press mislead the society and force them to think according to their own policies and agenda. The author mentioned seven famous ways of manipulating news which she faced herself. Garbling, Inaccuracy, Incorrect emphasis, fact reversal, chance innovation, miracle prediction and flat suppression. She also states that two factors are responsible for the success of the daily newspapers which are advertising company that is leading it and the wealth of the man or company that owns it. Not only general public but even people from the world of politics are afraid of the Press because it carries the power to create or destroy the reputation in front of masses. Then the author describes how careless and irresponsible the Press is because if someone sends the Letter of protest how they simply ignore them or reply them privately in order to save their own reputation.

D. Word Study:

D.1. Dictionary use:

Ex.1. Correct the spelling of the following words:

  1. srewd
  2. propriter
  3. precarius
  4. restricsion
  5. disastrus
  6. bankrupcy
  7. insite
  8. censorsip
  9. titilating


  1. shrewd
  2. proprietor
  3. precarious
  4. restrictions
  5. disastrous
  6. bankruptcy
  7. incite
  8. censorship
  9. titillating

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Ex.2. Look up a dictionary and write two meanings of each of the following words:

  1. denounced
  2. resolute
  3. precarious
  4. gratuitous
  5. dissemination
  6. cynical
  7. withheld


  1. To be very critical of a person in public
    To say publicly that something is wrong
  2. Showing great determination
    Having great determination
  3. Not safe or certain
  4. Lacking any good reasons or purpose and often having harmful effects
  5. Broadcast a message to public with no direct feedback
    Circulate a message to public with no direct feedback
  6. Deeply distrustful
  7. To refuse to give something to somebody
    To refrain from granting anything to anyone

D.2. Word Formation:

Read the following sentences carefully:

accept(v) accepted(adj) acceptance(n)
acceptable(adj) acceptably(adv) acceptability(n)

Make as many words as possible from the given words:

  1. resolve
  2. allude
  3. invoke
  4. restrict
  5. renew


  1. resolved resolvable resolvability resolving
  2. alluded allusion allusive
  3. invoked invokable invoking invocation
  4. restricted restrictable restricting restrictive restriction
  5. renewed renewable renewably renewability

D.3. Word-Meaning:

Ex.1. Find from the lesson words the meaning of which have been given in Column A . The last part of each word is given in Column B:

Column A Column B
the policy of suppressing publication of any item …………………….ship
causing great loss …………………….ous
the state of being without money ……………………ptcy
cause the downfall …………………..ert
pleasantly stimulating ………………….ting
stir to action …………………..ite
the proprietor of anything ………………ner


  1. censorship
  2. disastrous
  3. bankruptcy
  4. subvert
  5. titillating
  6. incite
  7. owner

Ex.2 Fill in the blanks with suitable options given in bracket:

a) We all become very ………… by the news reporting. (excited,exciting)
b) I do not …….. the incident (recollect,recollects)
c) You may ……… between the two English dailies (chose,choose)
d) Unfavorable season crops ……….. (effect,affects)
e) The Press should not be ………. (monopolized,monopolize)
f) The reporting was ……… (distorted,distorting)


  1. excited
  2. recollect
  3. choose
  4. affects
  5. monopolized
  6. distorted


Ex.1 – Read the lesson carefully and find out the sentences in which the following phrases have been used. Then use these phrases in
sentences of your own:

  1. at such time
  2. so far
  3. on occasion
  4. placed upon
  5. keep up
  6. driven off
  7. to bear upon
  8. creeping into
  9. make of


  1. At such time of hardships, we must help each other.
  2. This school is so far from our new house.
  3. Things become miserable on occasional basis.
  4. The new book is placed upon the old book.
  5. Well done! keep up the god work.
  6. The car has drive off the plane road.
  7. You want all of us to bear upon that irritating person for four hours.
  8. The nightmare is creeping into me.
  9. I don’t know what to make of her behaviour.


Ex.1 Write ten more sentences on this sentence based on this structure:



  1. If they were honest, they would return the money.
  2. If I were you, I would take the opportunity.
  3. If you were good, you would never have to prove it.
  4. If they were innocent, they should return from the bar
  5. If I were guilty, I would not call her.
  6. If they were honest, they would never lie.
  7. If they were wrong, they should not be rude to others.
  8. If you were good, you would help others.
  9. If you were me, you would never suffer from this.

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