Ode To Autumn Questions and Answers । Bihar Board Class 12th English Book Solution Poem 4

Here we have provided Ode To Autumn Questions and Answers. Ode To Autumn Questions and Answers will help you understand the chapter better and will be helpful in your exam preparation.

Bihar Board Class 12th English Book Solution Poem 4 Ode To Autumn

B.1.1. Complete the following sentences on the basis of the poem:

  • a) …………… is the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.
  • b) ………….. fill all fruits with ripeness.
  • c) ………… sits carelessly on a granary floor.
  • d) The ‘winnowing wind’ softly lifts the hair of ……….
  • e) …………. twitter in the sky.


  • a) Autumn
  • b) And
  • c) He
  • d) The poet
  • e) and gathering swallows

B.1.2. Answer the following questions briefly:

1) Who are depicted as friends in the first two lines?

Ans:- The season of mists, other names for fog, and the mellow fruitfulness are depicted as friends of the maturing sun in the first two lines of the poem.

Check:- Ode To Autumn Objective Questions Answer

2) What happens in autumn?

Ans:- In autumn, almost all types of fruits and dry fruits get ripened to the core and flowers bloom.

3) In what sense does the sun conspire with autumn?

Ans:- The sun conspires with autumn by offering the growth of fruits and flowers. Its rays make the fruits ripen and ready to be eaten. Fruits like grapes and cherries start to ripen on vines.

4) How do the sun and summer help in the ripeness of fruits in autumn?

Ans:- The sun and summer help in the ripeness of fruits and make them completely ripen in the autumn. They fill very much heat and energy.

5) How are autumn and summer related to spring?

Ans:- Autumn and Summer are related to the spring season. Spring comes before the arrival of summer and autumn starts with the departure of summer. Spring is the season of birth whereas summer is the season of maturity. Autumn represents the complete growth of old adulthood.

Bihar Board Class 12 English Objective Question
Bihar Board Class 12th English Solution
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1) What does the central idea of the poem?

Ans:- John Keats has beautifully penned down the poem, ‘Ode To Autumn’, in which he creates a vivid image of autumn and its beauty. On one hand, autumn is generally compared with sadness and downfall as it is the season of fall whereas, on the other hand, Keats appeals to his readers to view the season with an optimistic point of view. Keats wants us to view it as a season of complete growth of fruits and flowers. Seasons of different colours as lack of sunlight make plants show different colours.

2) What does Keats mean by the following:

  • ‘T was here we loved in
  • Summer day and greener.’

Ans:- Keats was a port of nature. He found happiness, silence and optimism everywhere around him. He loved the weather that helped the fruits and flowers to grow in the season of autumn. He calls it favourable weather. He finds the different coloured leaves in the autumn very impressive and attractive. It gives a positive aspect to him.

3) Does the poet convey his love for Nature through such lines as given above? If yes, give examples.

Ans:- Yes, the poet conveys his love of nature through these lines. “For summer has O’er brimmed their clammy cells. Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store? Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find.” The poet shows his immense love for nature through nature. Nature always helps Keats to convey his love to his readers.

4) Pick out images related to different aspects of Nature. Write a note on the use of images in the poem.

Ans:- In the first stanza, autumn is seen to bring happiness, i.e., it is the season of mists and ripeness. In the second stanza, autumn is personified as a woman’s shape present in every activity of harvest and wine-pressing. In the last-stanza, the close of the year is associated with the sunset. The songs of spring are over and night is falling.

In this poem, images have been used beautifully and widely by Keats. These images help the reader to make the idea of the poem clear.

5) What do autumn and spring symbolise in the poem? Explain.

Ans:- The poem, ‘Ode to Autumn’ is a great work of imagery and symbolism. Keats has beautifully depicted the use of symbolism in it. The Autumn is described as the growing cycle with ripeness and maturity. The harvest during autumn is associated with abundance, prosperity and wealth.

Whereas spring represents new birth and new beginnings. After the fall, all fruits and flowers are born again on trees.

6) Do you like this poem? Give two reasons.

Ans:- Yes, I really liked the poem, ‘Ode to autumn’, penned by John Keats. Keats has beautifully described the poetry with imagery and symbolism. The first reason is the depiction of the two seasons, namely spring and autumn. Autumn is the time of fall and harvest and spring is the season of rebirth. The second reason is the dependency of both seasons on each other. If the autumn season doesn’t pass then spring won’t arrive and vice-versa.

7) What does the poet say about the music of autumn? Do you like this music?

Ans:- The poet says about the music of autumn that when the music starts, the beautiful birds like Nightingale and Cuckoo sing in a very soothing and melodious tone. It sounds pleasing to the ears and makes the day a happy one. The music is so magical that trees also start to grow faster and there is happiness and growth everywhere around. 


Write a paragraph in about 100 words on the following:

a) Autumn

Autumn arrives just after summer and before winter. The weather in this season is highly affected. The weather is neither too cold nor too warm, which is the reason why this is the most suitable season for traveling outdoors.

Autumn season is also related to the harvest. Crops are ready to be harvested, making farmers happy. The different types of fruits are ripened. Plants and flowers are also colourful in this season some are red, orange and yellow, etc. You can find joy everywhere around the city where autumn has arrived. Most people are excited about this season.

Animals and birds also are affected by the arrival of autumn. Birds like cuckoos start going to warmer places and hibernating animals start collecting food to survive winters. Due to the lack of rainfall in this season, leaves start to dry out and the ground gets covered in crumpled fallen leaves.

In India, Autumn lasts from September to November. Nature is so pure and lovely during autumn.

b) Relation Between Seasons and human life

Seasons are symbolic of human life. The cycle of life is common for both humans and seasons. Spring is the season of growth of new plants and birth in animals. It is the season of birth and fertility. It is the season of new beginnings, which also happens in human life.

Summer is the time of adulthood or growth. The animals and plants that are born grow in this period. Whatever we start and we learn, we need to practice it to retain it. Therefore, in human life, this happens.

Autumn is the season of harvest, maturity and change. Autumn is the season when plants begin to die. Comparing it to human life, we can also say that this period is linked with the downfall in our life. For when there is a success there is a failure too.

Winter is the season of the end, death, or sorrow.  This is the time when plants have dried out and died. Sometimes we need to bear the. In human life, if you want something to happen you need to let go of something which is represented as the winter season. At last, I would like to add that seasons are closely related to human life.


D.1. Dictionary Use


  • i- producing many useful results
  • ii- Producing a lot of crops

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  • i- a person’s chest.
  • ii- a woman’s breast.


  • i- developing
  • ii- ripening


  • i- plan something bad and illegal.
  • ii- to work on something illegal.


  • i- staying the same.
  • ii- to stop yourself form doing something.


  • i- large area of flat land.
  • ii- clear and understandable.


  • i- to go down a liquid.
  • ii- to move downwards (a person).


  • i- to make food or drink down the throat.
  • ii- accept without any question.

D.2. Word-formation

happy beauty kind bounty joy duty


  • Happiness
  • Beautiful
  • Kindness
  • Bountiful
  • Joyful
  • Dutiful

D.3. Word-meaning

Column AColumn B
miststorage for grains
Granarycolour, storage for grains


Column AColumn B
Granarystorage for grains


  • Where
  • who
  • while

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