Here we have provided Fire Hymn Question Answer. Fire Hymn Question Answer will help you understand the chapter better and will be helpful in your exam preparation.
Bihar Board Class 12th English Book Solution Poem 8 Fire Hymn
B.1.1. Read the following sentences and write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements:
- a) The poem describes the scene of a burning ghat.
- b) Passers-by tend to ignore the burning at the ghat.
- c) The sight of burning becomes frightening at night
- d) The redness of fire appears cruel to the speaker
- e) The half-burnt limbs at the ghat suggest the true working of fire.
- f) The speaker belongs to Zoroastrian religion.
- g) The speaker is not pleased with the views of his father.
- h) The ‘first-born child’ was consigned to fire under compulsion.
- a) T
- b) F
- c) T
- d) T
- e) T
- f) T
- g) F
- h) T
B.1.2. Complete the following sentences on the basis of the poem:
- a) The wandering ghost lights …………… passer-by.
- b) The grey ash that ……… all.
- c) The ghat is littered with ……………..
- d) The fire at times ……………… its dead.
- e) I swore to save fire from the ………… of forgetfulness.
- f) The nearest …………….. was a thousand miles.
- g) The speaker consigned his …………….. to the flames.
- h) The speaker was broken yet ………….
- i) The second time the speaker swore to save the fire from the sin of ……………
- a) Frightened
- b) Swallows
- c) embers
- d) Forgets
- e) Sin
- f) Tower of Silence
- g) First-born
- h) Rebellious
- i) forgiving
Check:- Fire-Hymn Objective Questions Answer
B.1.3. Answer the following questions briefly:
1) How did the passer-by get frightened?
Ans:-The passers-by are frightened by the shafts of the furious flames burning and the dreadful scenes at the ghats.
2) Which event does the expression ‘the burning ghat’ refer to?
Ans:- ‘The burning ghat’ refers to the cremation of dead bodies as a ritual for the enlightenment of the soul in some religions.
3) Where do you think is the ghat located?
Ans:- The ghat is usually located at the bank of a river, according to some of the age-old, ancient rules and regulations that are followed by people.
4) What does the speaker see/observe in the morning at the ghat?
Ans:- In the morning, the poet witnesses the dreadful scene of burning dead bodies where he observes the body covered in ashes and some parts of the body are badly half burnt.
5) Why does he say that the redness of the fire is cruel?
Ans:- The poet mentions that the redness of the fire is cruel because fire does not leave its targets. It burns everything down to ashes be it alive or dead.
6) In what sense does the fire forget its dead?
Ans:- The fire burns the dead body so horribly that the scene is very dreadful to watch and such a horrible thing should not happen to a dead body.
7) Why does the speaker reveal his religious identity?
Ans:- The poet revealed his religion because he is a Zoroastrian, which is a Parsi who believes that there is a continuing struggle in the world between the forces of light and dark. The Parsis dispose of the bodies in ‘Tower of Silence’ without any cruel acts on dead bodies.
8) Why did he consign his first born to the flames?
Ans:- The dead body in the Parsi religion is disposed of in the ‘Tower of Silence’ but the nearest one was 1000 miles away. Hence, with no option left, in order to attain enlightenment for his child, he consigned his first-born to flames.
9) What did the fire-hymn say to him?
Ans:- The first hymn said to the poet that he had forgiven him and now it has taken the oath to overlook and pardon him this time for the sin he commited.
1) What are the different forms and roles of fire at the ghat?
Ans:- The fire has many distinct forms and roles to play at the ghat. The erupted ghats lighten up the place completely providing light. The emerging furious flames change their shape and structure which tends to be like ghostly figures that frighten passers-by. Another role that the fire plays is that it burns down the body in a very dreadful and cruel manner and turns them into ashes.
2) How does the ghat appear to the common people?
Ans:- The ghat appears to be horrifying to the passers-by. The dead bodies are half burnt and the bone stubs, the remains that are left after burning, could be seen. This dreadful scenario becomes more disturbing when the moonlight runs fast through the bones scattered by the burning fire. The pieces of coal and wood are not burning yet lying red gradually losing their cruel redness.
Bihar Board Class 12 English Objective Question
Bihar Board Class 12th English Solution
Bihar Board 12th Syllabus 2024 PDF Download
3) What is the fire’s debauchery?
Ans:- The immoral behaviour or debauchery of fire is that it swallows everything and turns them into grey ashes and leaves behind half-burnt tiny particles. The fire is the same for everyone, be it alive or dead. Fire turns the whole of the dead body into grey ashes and tiny scattered bones. It is so cruel that it leaves nothing in its original shape, it misshapes everything.
4) What has offended the religious sentiment of the speaker when he was a child?
Ans:- The poet is a Parsi, who believes that there is continuing struggle in the world between the forces of light and dark. They bury the dead body in a special structure known as ‘Tower of Silence’. As a child, when the poet was passing by a ghat, he saw the cremation of a dead body which he consider a cruel act of enlightenment as the previous one sounds peaceful to him. This immorality is against the norms of his religion which actually offended the religious sentiments of the poet.
5) Why do you think the speaker ‘broken’ consigned his first born to the flames?
Ans:- According to the ritual followed in the Parsi religion, when a person dies, his dead body is disposed of in a special tower-like structure which is famously called as ‘Tower of Silence’. The demise of his first-born child was totally uncertain. The nearest Tower of Silence was a thousand miles away and due to this reason, the poet had no other choice but to follow the rituals of other religions in order to attain enlightenment for his first-born child. This made the poet consign his first-born child.
6) Why was the speaker ‘broken’ and how did he regard himself rebellious?
Ans:- The speaker was a father and to a father or mother their children are their world. Due to the uncertain demise of his first-born child, the speaker lost his world, i.e., he was completely broken. Due to unfavourable circumstances, he could not follow the ritual of his religion. Therefore, in order to attain enlightenment for his child the poet went against his religion and consigned his first-born to flames which is not easy. This reason was why he considered himself as rebellious.
7) Why did he swear twice to save the fire from two different sins?
Ans:- The poet swore to save fire from two different sins. The first time was when the poet saw the cruel behaviour of the furious flames of the fire which turned the dead body into grey ashes and partially burnt it up. The poet then swore that he would save the fire from the sin of forgetfulness. He would not let the fire forget the terrific thing it did to a dead body. The second time was when his own first-born died and due to unfavourable circumstances, he had to consign him to the fire. The poet then swore to save the fire from the sin of forgiveness. He thinks the fire favoured him by helping the soul of his first-born and attain enlightenment but he does not want it.
8) Though the poem reveals the religious leaning of a Parsi, it still has its human appeal. Justify it with your own comments.
Ans:- Though the poem reveals the religious inclination of a ‘Parsi’ but at the same time it has a compassionate appeal to humanity. Though a dead body no longer has life but burning it is cruel in the eyes of a Parsi. A Parsi dislikes the cremation of a dead body rather they prefer more peaceful means of attainment of enlightenment of soul, i.e., to dispose of the body in ‘Tower of Silence’. The poet has shown humanity and moral behaviour towards the act of cruelly burning the body.
According to me, in one or the other way, the poet is right in throwing light on the act of cremation as it is a very inhuman way of ritual for one who was a human once.
Concept of sin in modern life
In the contemporary world, where we have progressed so much, we often forget that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. When a human does any work, it has only two outcomes, whether it is right or wrong. Actions like violence, drinking, smoking, bullying, corruption and terrorism are some examples of sins in the modern world. The more science has developed the more humans have become inhumane. People often tend to ignore the signs from god in the form of disasters or minute problems. Sin is nowadays considered a fun practice. Friends support each other to perform one or the other, if one fails to do so, he is not spared. Jealousy is a feeling that tends to break beautiful relationships. Enviousness make us blind and we couldn’t see the good side of the person rather we only see their successful side and compare it with our distressful side.
All these small or big things in our life come under the bigger set of sins. False love, breaking hearts and other attempts to hurt someone is also a sin.
b) Foregtfulness is a matter of habit
The rising problem found in many children of today’s world is lack of concentration. The increasing use of technology for playing games and cheating has led to the death of creativity and critical thinking among young minds. The brain has infinite storage in it and it stores every piece of information it comes across no matter how useful it is. But it retains the information only which has been repeated. The young generation tends to gain useful information only once and forget about it whereas they repeatedly think about certain cartoon characters and games which have no output for their future. This habit of the young generation of constantly ignoring useful information and inculcating information of no use will lag the future of the world behind. Therefore, it is necessary that the young generation increase their concentration and spent time on things like maths, science, history, technology and literature and culture rather than focusing on cartoons and games all the time.
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D. Word Study
D.1. Dictionary Use
Ex. 1. Correct the spelling of the following words:
phosphorescence scutled staulling emberes Zorastrian Consined revelious hym
- phosphorescent
- scuttled
- strolling
- embers
- Zoroastrian
- consigned
- rebellious
- hymn
D.1. Ex.2.
- Dawn- Daylight
- Losing- misplace
- Swallow – consume
- Forget – let slip
- Pain – suffering
- Nearest – closest
- Silence – quietness
- Save – preserve
D.2. Add ‘-ing’ to the following verbs and fill in the blanks to complete the following sentences:
- a) The …………………. news was quite sensational.
- b) People were in long queue for ……… gas.
- c) The match was so fine that we admired even the …………. team.
- d) The …………… persons have the opportunity to breathe fresh air.
- e) We could not attend the ……………. ceremony.
- a) breaking
- b) cooking
- c) losing
- d) strolling
- e) swearing
D.3. Word-meaning
- Half-done – The work is only half-done.
- Half-written – You wrote a half-written answer.
- Half-sketched – This is a half-sketched canvas.
- Half-drawn – He saw through the half-drawn curtains.
- Half-hearted – He completed the work in a half-hearted way.
- i) The military rescued several people ……. the flood.
- ii) The world of insects and animals awake ……… at night.
- iii) Naghaz listened …………. the lecture attentively.
- iv) The police inquired ………… the murder case.
- i) From
- ii) Up
- iii) To
- iii) To
- iv) Into
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