RS Aggarwal Class 10 Math Solutions Chapter 4 – Quadratic Equations

Here we have provided RS Aggarwal class 10 Math Solutions Chapter 4 Quadratic Equations. Rs Aggarwal class 10 maths book is one of the best resources for class 10 maths preparation. Rs Aggarwal class 10 maths is a very important book for board examinees.

Equations that are linear – that is having each variable be the power of one – are significantly easier to solve and play around with when compared to polynomial equations. Quadratic equations are the most basic of the polynomial equations with one variable having the power two, and these equations are also the subject of RS Aggarwal Class 10 Chapter 4 Solution.

RS Aggarwal Class 10 Math Solutions Chapter 4 Quadratic Equations

Quadratic equations will be extremely important at multiple points in your life. Several formulas in physics will yield nonlinear functions. In order to graph and solve these types of functions you will need to be well versed in these concepts.

Also Read:
Chapter 1 – Real Numbers
Chapter 2 – Polynomials

These equations may be defined in the following manner: It is an equation bearing the standard form ax2 + bx + c =0 where a,b,c are real numbers and a =/= 0.  These are polynomials with degree 2. There are several concepts that you need to bear in mind before stepping into the solutions for the topic.

Important points to remember for RS Aggarwal class 10 maths chapter 4

  • Roots: The roots of the quadratic equation are the values that satisfy the equation i.e. entering those values or values into the equation gives  0. The real roots of the equations are the points where the curve of the equation – y = f(x) – intersects with the x-axis.  There are some equations that will not have real roots at all
  • Discriminant  = b2-4ac. This value determines whether the equation will have real roots or not in the following manner:
    • Two distinct real roots: discriminant > 0
    • Two equal real roots: discriminant  = 0
    • No real roots: discriminant < 0

It is advisable to calculate the discriminant for a given equation before moving on to solving it to avoid falling into tricky questions.

  • Factorising: This is one method of getting the roots of a given quadratic equation by factorising a given quadratic equation into two linear equations and equating each factor to zero.

This will lead to an equation in the following format – (ax – c)(bx + d) = 0. The roots for the equations will thus be x = c/a or x = -d/b

Solutions for RS Aggarwal class 10 maths chapter 4 – quadratic Equations

The Solutions for this chapter’s exercises will be found on our website and are also available for you in the pdf format. You can access these and many more relevant pieces of content on our site, we hope they may help you immensely.

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