Two Stories About Flying MCQ- Best 20 Questions

Based on the most recent exam format, two stories about flying MCQ for Class 10 English with Answers were created. Students can better understand the subject by using the two stories about flying MCQ that we have supplied.

CBSE Two stories about flying MCQ

1. What caused the plane to spin in the air?

(a) As it was dark night
(b) As it was a stormy night
(c) Due to lightning
(d) None of the Above

Answer: (b) As it was a stormy night.

2. Why did the seagull feel worn out?

(a) Due to running fast
(b) Due to strange exercise
(c) Due to Crying
(d) None of the Above

Answer: (b) Due to strange exercise

3. Who gave the little seagull a fish piece?

(a) Brother Seagull
(b) Mother Seagull
(c) Father Seagull
(d) None of the Above

Answer: (b) Mother Seagull

4. Why did the pilot not fly the plane back to Paris?

(a) He wanted to meet his family
(b) He wanted to go on a holiday
(c) He did not want to miss the breakfast
(d) He did not like Paris

Answer: (c) He did not want to miss the breakfast

5. Why did the call to Paris Control go through?

(a) To know about air traffic
(b) To know the direction of the route
(c) To know the details about landing
(d) None of the Above

Answer: (b) To know the direction of the route

6. What was the seagull’s source of fear?

(a) Running
(b) Swimming
(c) Flying
(d) None of the Above

Answer: (c) Flying

7. The pilot was not able to _ anything

(a) see
(b) hear
(c) speak
(d) all of them

Answer: (a) see

8. Which instrument on the pilot’s flight deck failed first?

(a) compass
(b) radio
(c) both stopped together
(d) both were working

Answer: (a) compass

9. What didn’t the pilot feel bad about?

(a) missing his holiday
(b) driving the plane into the storm
(c) risking the lives of fellow passengers
(d) both 2 and 3

Answer: (d) both 2 and 3

10. Which control station did he call while traveling?

(a) Paris
(b) India
(c) England
(d) he didn’t contact any

Answer: (a) Paris

11. Why did his mother pause mid-fish-giving to him?

(a) she was mad at him
(b) to push him to fly out of hunger
(c) she didn’t want to give him the fish
(d) she got tired

Answer: (b) to push him to fly out of hunger

12. If he didn’t fly away, what did his parents threaten him with?

(a) to never talk to him
(b) to punish him
(c) to starve him
(d) to abandon him

Answer: (c) to starve him

13. Who is “His First Flight’s” author?

(a) Liam O’ Flaherty
(b) Frederick Forsyth
(c) Roal Dahl
(d) Paulo Coehlo

Answer: (a) Liam O’ Flaherty

14. What food did the mother of the seagull buy for it?

(a) earthworms
(b) fish
(c) insects
(d) rodents

Answer: (b) fish

15. Which danger did the pilot run into?

(a) flying back to Paris
(b) missing the breakfast he desired
(c) he took no risk
(d) flying his old Dakota straight into the storm

Answer: (d) flying his old Dakota straight into the storm

16. The pilot was flying from _ to _.

(a) England, France
(b) England, India
(c) France, England
(d) France, India

Answer: (c) France, England

17. When he saw __, he became furious.

(a) his brothers flying
(b) his siblings enjoying without him
(c) food
(d) all of the above

Answer: (c) food

18. The subject of the lesson “His First Flight” is a

(a) pilot
(b) seagull
(c) parrot
(d) pigeon

Answer: (b) seagull

19. What is the basis for the name “Black Aeroplane”?

(a) the airplane that helped the pilot
(b) the pilot’s airplane
(c) airplane in the stormy sky
(d) none of the above

Answer: (a) the airplane that helped the pilot

20. What was the name of the aircraft the pilot was operating?

(a) Airbus
(b) Boeing
(c) Dakota
(d) Minnesota

Answer: (c) Dakota

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Conclusion – Two Stories About Flying MCQ

We hope that the material provided in “CBSE Class 10 two stories about flying MCQ” was helpful to students while they studied for their exams. Continue your education and pay attention to updates on the CBSE Exam.

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