NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 4 From the Diary of Anne Frank

Page no.51

1.) What makes writing in a diary a strange experience for Anne Frank?

Ans- Anne Frank has never written anything before and she doesn’t think that anybody, or even she herself, would be interested in a thirteen-year-old’s musings therefore, this made her think that writing in a diary was a strange experience.

2.) Why does Anne want to keep a diary?

Ans- Annie feels lonely while knowing she has everything one could ever ask for, including her family, her thirty friends, her relatives, and a home. However, she still had that feeling of missing that one friend with whom she could not only share her ordinary day-to-day things but also with whom she could share her feelings and on whom she could confide. This was why Anne wanted to keep a diary.

3.) Why did Anne think she could confide more in her diary than in people?

Ans- Anne used the quote – “Paper has more patience than people” which clearly stated the fact that she thought of Paper to be a better listener than a person could ever be. She wanted to bury her thoughts somewhere and she also wanted those thoughts to be found by none. These became the reason why Anne thought she could confide more in her diary than in people.

Page no.51

1.) Why does Anne provide a brief sketch of her life?

Ans- Anne provides a brief sketch of her life as she thinks that nobody would understand a word of her stories to Kitty (diary) if she were to start writing about her current stories without any prior explanation of her previous situation.

2.) What tells you that Anne loved her grandmother?

Ans- Anne loved her grandmother as even though she was around 11 years old she still celebrated her birthday mildly due to her grandma’s operation. When Anne tells about her grandmother’s death she explained her despair and her desire to see her grandmother again. On the year Anne’s grandma passed away they celebrated Anne’s birthday with also lighting her grandma’s candle along with the rest.

Page no.54

1.) Why was Mr. Keesing annoyed with Anne? What did he ask her to do?

Ans- Mr. Keesing was annoyed with Anne because she kept talking while he was teaching. Mr Keesing asked Annie to write an essay on the subject – of “a chatterbox”, the second time he gave her when he caught her talking he asked her to write an essay on – “An incorrigible chatterbox” and the third time the topic was ‘Quack, Quack, Quack, said mistress chatterbox’.

2.) How did Anne justify her being a chatterbox in her essay?

Ans- Anne justified her being a chatterbox by stating that it was a student’s trait while also stating that she could not help it even if she wanted to as her mother talked as much as her if not more, therefore it was an inherited trait.

3.) Do you think Mr. Keesing was a strict teacher?

Ans- At the beginning, it did seem like Mr. Keesing was a strict teacher but in the end, I don’t find him to be a strict teacher as he took Anne’s every argument as a joke while never scolding her for her statements either.

4.) What made Mr. Keesing allow Anne to talk in class?

Ans- Third time Mr. Keesing caught Anne talking while his teaching, he gave her a funny topic to write on – ‘Quack, Quack, Quack, said mistress chatterbox’. When Annie wrote a poem on the same topic with the help of her friend Mr. Keesing added his own comments and thereafter Anne was allowed to talk and was not given any extra assignment as well.

Thinking About The (Text Page no 55)

1.) Was Anne right when she said that the world would not be interested in the
musings of a thirteen-year-old girl?

Ans- I don’t think Anne was right when she said that the world would not be interested in the musings of a thirteen-year-old girl as we are discussing her writings right at this moment although anybody would think the same if they were in her situation, she was proven wrong by the world itself.

2.) There are some examples of diary or journal entries in the ‘Before You Read’
section. Compare these with what Anne writes in her diary. What language
was the diary originally written in? In what way is Anne’s diary different?

Ans- Originally, Annie’s diary was written in Dutch and eventually translated into different languages. Annie’s diary stated a mature and insightful mind which was not common at that age and that era, it also provided an intimate examination of daily life under nazi occupation for the researchers.

3.) Why does Anne need to give a brief sketch of her family? Does she treat
‘Kitty’ as an insider or an outsider?

Ans- Anne needed to provide a brief insight about her family as she was going to write about her life and jumping straight to the topic without giving a brief information about her and her background wouldn’t make much sense in her eyes. I also think that she provided a piece of brief information about her family because they were the people who were to be mentioned the most.
She treated ‘kitty’ as an insider and wanted to share her everyday thoughts, feelings, and activities with it like anyone would with a close friend.

4.) How does Anne feel about her father, her grandmother, Mrs. Kuperus and
Mr Keesing? What do these tell you about her?

Ans- Anne thought of her father as the most adorable father she had ever seen, she loved and missed her grandmother, she cherished and respected Mrs Kuperus and she thought of Mr Keesing as an old fogey.
This tells us that Anne is an open-minded person and that she knows how to adapt to people as well, as even though she didn’t like Mr Keesing she never disrespected him while knowing where she was wrong.

5.) What does Anne write in her first essay?

Ans- Anne justified herself being a chatterbox in the essay by stating that it was a student’s trait while also stating that she could not help it even if wants to as her mother talked as much as her if not more, therefore it was an inherited trait.

6.) Anne says teachers are most unpredictable. Is Mr. Keesing unpredictable? How?

Ans- Mr. Keesing was definitely unpredictable as it was not common for a teacher to let his student’s mischief slip with just an essay while also not scolding them for stating unreasonable facts as their extra homework.

7.) What do these statements tell you about Anne Frank as a person?

(i) We don’t seem to be able to get any closer, and that’s the problem. Maybe it’s my fault that we don’t confide in each other.

(ii) I don’t want to jot down the facts in this diary the way most people would, but I want the diary to be my friend.

(iii) Margot went to Holland in December, and I followed in February when I was plunked down on the table as a birthday present for Margot.

(iv) If you ask me, there are so many dummies that about a quarter of the class should be kept back, but teachers are the most unpredictable creatures on earth.

(v) Anyone could ramble on and leave big spaces between the words, but the trick was to come up with convincing arguments to prove the necessity of talking.


(i) The statement tells us that Anne was a person with her own psychological boundaries which she neither crossed herself nor let others cross it.

(ii) The statement tells us that Anne was a person who can cherish things as she wanted to cherish something as irrelevant as a diary.

(iii) The statement tells us that Anne was a very thoughtful person as she followed Margot, her older sister, to Holland as a surprise or a present on her birthday without any ill feelings.

(iv) The statement tells us that Anne was an observing person as she knew not only about her classmates but also about her teacher’s capabilities and personality.

(v) The statement tells us that Anne was a very insightful person as she knew that she needed to know and understand every word she wrote about in order to justify her arguments exactly the way she wanted them to.

Check:- Mijbil the otter Solution

Thinking About Language

I-) Match the compound words under ‘A’ with their meanings under ‘B’. Use each in a sentence.

1.Heartbreaking– obeying and respecting the law
2.) Homesick– think about pleasant things, forgetting about the present
3.) Blockhead– something produced by a person, machine or organization
4.) Law-abiding– producing great sadness
5.) Overdo– something produced by a person, machine, or organization
6.) Daydream– an informal word that means a very stupid person
7.) Breakdown– missing home and family very much
8.) Output– do something to an excessive degree


1. Heartbreaking— producing great sadness
2.Homesick—  missing home and family very much.
3. Blockhead—  an informal word which means a very stupid person.
4. Law-abiding— obeying and respecting the law.
5.Overdo— do something to an excessive degree.
6. Daydream—  think about pleasant things, forgetting about the present.
7. Breakdown — an occasion when vehicles/machines stop working.
8. Output— something produced by a person, machine or organisation.
  1. Heartbreaking – producing great sadness
  2. Homesick – missing home and family very much
  3. Blockhead – an informal word that means a very stupid person
  4. Law-abiding – obeying and respecting the law
  5. Overdo – do something to an excessive degree
  6. Daydream – think about pleasant things, forgetting about the present
  7. Breakdown – an occasion when vehicle/machines stop working
  8. Output – something produced by a person, machine, or organization

II-) Phrasal Verbs:

  • She got on at Agra when the bus stopped for breakfast.
  • Dev Anand ran away from home when he was a teenager.
  • She’s eager to get on in life. (succeed)
  • The visitors ran away with the match. (won easily)
  • Our car ran out of petrol just outside the city limits.
  • The government wants to reach out to the people with this new campaign.

1.) The text you’ve just read has a number of phrasal verbs commonly used in English. Look up the following in a dictionary for their meanings (under the entry for the italicized word.

  • (i) plunge (right) in
  • (ii) kept back
  • (iii) ramble on
  • (iv) get along with

(i) plunge in – begin a course of action without thought or care
(ii) ramble on – talk or write in a confused way and for a long time
(iii) kept back – to stay at a distance from something or someone
(iv) get along with – to have a friendly relationship with someone

2.) Now find the sentences in the lesson that have the phrasal verbs given below. Match them with their meanings. (You have already found out the meanings of some of them.) Are their meanings the same as that of their parts? (Note that two parts of a phrasal verb may occur separately in the text.)

(i) plunge inspeak or write without focus
(ii) kept backstay indoors
(iii) move upmake (them) remain quiet
(iv) ramble onhave a good relationship with
(v) get along withgive an assignment (homework) to a person in authority (the teacher)
(vi) calm downcompensate
(vii) stay ingo straight to the topic
(viii) make up forgo to the next grade
(ix) hand innot promoted

(i) plunge in– speak or write without focus
(ii) kept back – stay indoors
(iii) move up – make (them) remain quiet
(iv) ramble on – have a good relationship with
(v) get along with – give an assignment (homework) to a person in authority (the teacher)
(vi) calm down – compensate
(vii) stay in – go straight to the topic
(viii) make up for – go to the next grade
(ix) hand in – not promoted

III-) Idioms:

1.) Here are a few sentences from the text which have idiomatic expressions. Can you say what each means? (You might want to consult a dictionary first.)

  • (i) Our entire class is quaking in its boots ____________________
  • (ii) Until then, we keep telling each other not to lose heart _________________________
  • (iii) Mr. Keesing was annoyed with me for ages because I talked so much ___________________
  • (iv) Mr. Keesing was trying to play a joke on me with this ridiculous subject, but I’d make sure the joke was on him _______________


  • i) shaking with fear and nervousness
  • ii) to stop believing that you can succeed
  • iii) for a long time
  • iv) one is experiencing or will experience a negative outcome, particularly one that was intended for someone else

2.) Here are a few more idiomatic expressions that occur in the text. Try to use them in sentences of your own.

  • caught my eye
  • he’d had enough
  • laugh ourselves silly
  • can’t bring myself to
  • i) While taking a walk an adorable kitten caught my eye.
  • ii) On the children’s day celebration, the teachers prepared a comedy skit on which we laughed ourselves silly.
  • iii) He’d had enough of Anne’s and on talking.
  • iv) When sir asked “Why didn’t you tell your parents about your poor results?”, the student replied, “I couldn’t bring myself to tell them as they would be disappointed in me”.

Check:- Class 10th English Solution

III-) Contracted Forms:

1.) Make a list of the contracted forms in the text. Rewrite them as full forms of two words.

  1. I’ve – I have
  2. Doesn’t – Does not
  3. I’m – I am
  4. Can’t – Can not
  5. Don’t – Do not
  6. That’s – That is
  7. It’s – It is
  8. That’s – That is
  9. They’re – They are / They were
  10. I’d – I would / I had
  11. Didn’t – Did not
  12. Who’ll – Who will
  13. You’re – You are / You were
  14. We’ll – We will
  15. There’s – There is
  16. Haven’t – Have not

2.) We have seen that some contracted forms can stand for two different full forms:

  1. They’re – They are / They were
  2. I’d – I would / I had
  3. You’re – You are / You were


Ans: Activity to be done by Yourself.


Ans: Activity to be done by yourself.


 This entry in the diary has been made on__________by_________the person who told Pepys about the fire was called_______She called at_______in the morning. Pepys went back to sleep because_________. Pepys rose again at __________ in the morning. By then about_________houses had been burned down. The fire had spread to__________by London Bridge. Pepys then walked to the____________along with Sir J. Robinson’s________________________.


This entry in the diary has been made on 2nd September by Samuel Pepys. The Person who told Pepys about the fire was called Jane. She called at about three in the morning. Pepys went back to sleep because the fire was on the backside of Market-lane at the farthest.  Pepys rose again at seven in the morning. By then about 300 houses had been burned down. The fire had spread to all fish streets by London Bridge. Pepys then walked to the tower along with Sir J. Robinson’s little son.

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