A Letter to God Summary Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 1

Gist of the story- The story revolves around the unshakable faith and trust of a farmer towards god. A farmer’s crops were destroyed by the rain so he wrote a letter to god demanding the money he deserved for his hard work. The farmer was helped by a bunch of crooks for an act of charity.

A Letter to God Summary Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 1

Lencho was a farmer who grew corn on his land and he is the only one who lives everywhere near the valley. The crops required a soft downpour for their growth. Lencho already predicted the weather is going to be rainy and soon the rainy clouds started approaching the valley. After the downpour started, Lencho compared it to the money he would get for them in the market. He says big drops are ten-cent pieces and the little ones are fives. Soon this soft downpour turned into heavy rain. The corn was completely destroyed and Lencho’s heart started to fill with grief. He says that “A plague of locusts would have left more than this.” Out of all this trouble, Lencho still had hope left. Hope from god. Then, Lencho wrote a letter to god and demanded a hundred pesos from god and stated if he does not provide it, he and his family would die of hunger. This letter was received by an employee of the post office who took it to the postmaster laughingly.

They both were surprised by the faith of Lencho. In order to not shake Lencho’s faith in god, the postman decided to donate whatever he can do to Lencho for an act of charity. Many employees donated and the postmaster donated part of his salary too but could collect only seventy pesos, less than what was demanded. He put the money in the envelope and sent it back to Lencho. Lencho came back early from work because there was a letter for him. When he received the letter signed as god, he did not show even slightest of the surprise, such was his confidence in his faith in god. Upon opening the envelope and getting the money, Lencho was angry because of the less money. He again wrote a letter to god and complained about the less money and demanded the rest. In addition to it, he also wrote not to send it through the post office because they are a bunch of crooks.

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